
Outdoor Gear Rentals

Snowboards, surfboards, camping equipment and more – we’ll supply you for an extraordinary day outdoors.

The UCR Student Recreation Center's Outdoor Excursions Shop has an extensive library of geographical maps and outdoor gear for your next adventure! Students, staff or community members – Rental equipment is available to any UCR student and faculty/staff or community members over the age of 18 with a valid government-issued ID. UCR students must provide a current UCR Student ID number. Students of other UCs may rent at student prices with a current UC Student ID. A client can only rent two like items at a time.

NOTE: Contact us at, (951) 827-7040 for more information on trips, workshops, certs and gear rentals. We are located at UC Riverside's West Linden Street in front of Parking Lot 25, Student Recreation Center North. 


We have the best selection of quality equipment rentals in the Inland Empire – and at the BEST rates!

Located in the Student Recreation Center, our Rental Shop is open!

Rental Details

Before heading out on your outdoor activity, please review all rental details below. Rates and policies are subject to change without notice.